Tag - sculpture

ABS to Bronze

After a few weeks of testing 3d pens, an idea came to me: What if I turned ABS to Bronze with the lost wax casting process? The first step towards this feat was to find a piece that would turn into a...

3d bird sketch with lixpen

3d Bird Sketch with LIX PEN

First final photo of the 3d bird sketch made with LIX PEN, for this project, I wanted to create a 3d bird with many moving features, so I created articulations for the head, wings, legs and torso...

Quick 3d pen sketch with LIX pen

Quick 3d pen sketch

I wanted to come up with a quick 3d pen sketch, so what better subject than a small bird? Using PLA as my material, I drew this bird with my old LIXPEN. I discovered PLA is way softer than ABS, and...

Bismuth skull made by riikc

Bismuth Skull Sculpture

Xe 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p3 is a bismuth skull sculpture made by riikc. Bismuth crystals were formed around a hand-made gypsum skull. This piece was created in Brussels, where it remains as a part of a...